hey peeps, its new job, new place, new people. wrote a short goodbye mail last friday and sent out to all my ex-colleagues. yea, now i am using the term ex-colleagues d. sad but true. its a brand new begining for me today 06/06/05. my first day with the new company. it was just like a dream come true for me. i'd always wanted to join this company even before i finish my degree. three years later now, i finally me it to this company. its a dream come true ! how sweet was that. after the first time, i guess i make rite decision for advancing my carrier in a different company. sudden rush ? yeah, i think i just post up regarding this career move last week, and now i am already with the new comp. the need people urgently and we agreeed that they r willign to pay for my 2 months notice. how nice.
last friday was also the last heat of the Atmos shuffle competition. sadly, melvin couldnt make it to the final. but are group manage to get heps of fun that nite. so mel, dont worry about getting in or not. since the whole comp is a crap and full of conspiracy :P heck cares..
peeps, wish me good luck. 2005 seems to be a big year for me, lots of changes in my life. i found a other half and a important career move. so peeps, pray me for me ya ! as i will be praying for u guys as well.
c ya !
Monday, June 06, 2005//6:29 PM
Posted by genethegeek //
hey peeps, its new job, new place, new people. wrote a short goodbye mail last friday and sent out to all my ex-colleagues. yea, now i am using the term ex-colleagues d. sad but true. its a brand new begining for me today 06/06/05. my first day with the new company. it was just like a dream come true for me. i'd always wanted to join this company even before i finish my degree. three years later now, i finally me it to this company. its a dream come true ! how sweet was that. after the first time, i guess i make rite decision for advancing my carrier in a different company. sudden rush ? yeah, i think i just post up regarding this career move last week, and now i am already with the new comp. the need people urgently and we agreeed that they r willign to pay for my 2 months notice. how nice.
last friday was also the last heat of the Atmos shuffle competition. sadly, melvin couldnt make it to the final. but are group manage to get heps of fun that nite. so mel, dont worry about getting in or not. since the whole comp is a crap and full of conspiracy :P heck cares..
peeps, wish me good luck. 2005 seems to be a big year for me, lots of changes in my life. i found a other half and a important career move. so peeps, pray me for me ya ! as i will be praying for u guys as well.
c ya !
Monday, June 06, 2005//6:29 PM
Posted by genethegeek //