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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Ugly Malaysia •
i bet most of you already read the entry by ABetterMalaysian rite now but i think i still wanna share with u guys as most of my friends are clubbers. Drug Bust Jails 22 Innocents . Pretty-Sad-But-True incident that describe every single incident that happen through their 3Days2nites in&out pudu jail (HELL) & police station. nothing much to comment on this as i'd heard lots of the other side of the story on malaysia justice. well, all i can say is i m sorry to hear what happen to the fello 22 dudes. i read through the whole entry and i really feel upset for wat happen to them. hope the well recover from the incident and get over the anger soon. this will be a never ending story.. btw, PitParty this sunday was cancelled in order to pay respect to the late Datin Endon. nway, we still welcome Mr. Soul-T from PHD (melb) to rock with us this saturday alongside with BA this weekend. for more infor, as usual pls logon to heheh.. advertisment time again. *this eugene.. ppl been blogging on the raid and yet still telling about the clubbing at the same place over the weekeend. sick. Posted by genethegeek // 0 comments