i wannt blog about.. first.. Pepsi Tarik. walaneh.. wat kind of drink is that man! *puke* boooo.. lousy.. coffee flavoured my foot. all i can taste is, it taste like vannilla coke + cough syrup. 1 word, cough syrup. cant even finish half of it, and i give it. tot wanna give it a try (still never learn from vanilla coke exprience, dammit). but then i regret man.. MCH. wasted RM 1.50 for a lesson. but eventually, i think vanilla coke takes better now. so i shall stick to coke supporters club ! boo to pepsi tarik !
let talk about my housemate's cat
boo AGAIN ! GDMF ! stupid sohai cat. story starts with a year+ back, housemate move in with a "ohh-so-cute" kitty. which turns out to be a disaster for me. damm. things the silly cat did...
peep everywhere
shit everywhere
cry at nite
tear newspaper
bit my shoe/slipper
sneak into my room
worst thing.. gave birth to 4 kittens. MCH. so those i mention ( 1-6) is not x2 . double the sohai !!!!!!! i do love cats, but definitely not those belongs to my housemate. but a-so-call-good-news. they are moving out end of this week ! so do the cats family ! bye bye cats !!! i hope to get some real 'good' housemate soon.... u know wat i mean... good as in quality !!!! muahahahhahahahaa
i m done with my ranting.......GSAP testing driving me nuts !
Wednesday, October 26, 2005//1:55 AM
Posted by genethegeek //
i wannt blog about.. first.. Pepsi Tarik. walaneh.. wat kind of drink is that man! *puke* boooo.. lousy.. coffee flavoured my foot. all i can taste is, it taste like vannilla coke + cough syrup. 1 word, cough syrup. cant even finish half of it, and i give it. tot wanna give it a try (still never learn from vanilla coke exprience, dammit). but then i regret man.. MCH. wasted RM 1.50 for a lesson. but eventually, i think vanilla coke takes better now. so i shall stick to coke supporters club ! boo to pepsi tarik !
let talk about my housemate's cat
boo AGAIN ! GDMF ! stupid sohai cat. story starts with a year+ back, housemate move in with a "ohh-so-cute" kitty. which turns out to be a disaster for me. damm. things the silly cat did...
peep everywhere
shit everywhere
cry at nite
tear newspaper
bit my shoe/slipper
sneak into my room
worst thing.. gave birth to 4 kittens. MCH. so those i mention ( 1-6) is not x2 . double the sohai !!!!!!! i do love cats, but definitely not those belongs to my housemate. but a-so-call-good-news. they are moving out end of this week ! so do the cats family ! bye bye cats !!! i hope to get some real 'good' housemate soon.... u know wat i mean... good as in quality !!!! muahahahhahahahaa
i m done with my ranting.......GSAP testing driving me nuts !
Wednesday, October 26, 2005//1:55 AM
Posted by genethegeek //